Highlights of ATLAS B-physics programme

Seminario di Fenomenologia INFN/DIFI

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Dr. Semen Turchikhin
Univ. Genova


Although not being a dedicated heavy-flavour physics experiment at LHC, ATLAS experiment has a wide programme in that field and produces very competitive results. B-physics studies in ATLAS are mainly based on (multi-)muon signatures and benefit from large available statistics of pp collisions, perfect muon system and optimized triggers for B-physics.
An overview ATLAS B-physics opportunities is given, focusing on the triggers and updates made for LHC Run-3.
Selected recent results are discussed then, including onia production measurements and studies of B_c meson which aim at probing the QCD predictions, exotic hadron spectroscopy, and CP violation measurements in B decays, sensitive to possible BSM physics contributions.
Finally, future prospects are outlined for possible B-physics studies with Run-2 and Run-3 data.

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Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271