Dipartimento di Fisica - Aula Informatica
Space economy has became a very occurring expression for defining a wide range of activities, such as the development of satellites for telecommunications, the realization of new kind of alloys or even the offer of services, for example internet or, very recently, Space tourism. Regardless the kind of activity, all space-related activities rely on advanced and safe technologies, which can embrace topics from low to high TRL. Here, I will introduce the SPAce CEnter fo Interdisciplinary and Innovative Technology (SPACEiit) recently established at the Italian Institute of Technology and I will offer a general flavour of some of the ongoing activities in the Space sector. Furthermore, I will focus on few specific topics related to energy harvesting and energy storage, giving practical examples of how even low TRL topics can meet the interest of Space Agencies.
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If you experience any problem with the access to the Teams platform, please contact Prof. Giulia Rossi, rossig@fisica.unige.it