Lisa Cuneo

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts."
Richard Feynman
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Lisa Cuneo


Third annual report (207.04 KB)



Attività di ricerca

I'm carrying out my PhD research activity in the Nanoscopy&NIC Lab in IIT, supervised by Professor A. Diaspro.
My research deals with Machine Learning techniques applied to microscopy data.
The aim is to integrate simultaneous acquisition mechanisms coupled computational analysis to foster a brand-new way of forming a new image reducing the possibility of being biased. The project is focus on to merge different data through information theory and machine learning algorithms. I’m looking for an approach to fuse differing data types together to automatically find patterns of related changes across multiple modalities.


Pubblicazioni IRIS

Lista completa pubblicazioni IRIS

Pubblicazioni principali

An automated tool to estimate chromatin compaction in stained nuclei.

A deep learning-based method to spectrally separate overlapping fluorophores based on their fluorescence lifetime.

Scattering Networks: a tool to remove the background.