El Yakout El Koraychy
- elyakout.elkoraychy@edu.unige.it
Lista completa pubblicazioni IRIS
Pubblicazioni IRIS
Two-Steps Versus One-Step Solidification Pathways of Binary Metallic Nanodroplets
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: Nelli, Diana; El Koraychy, El Yakout; Cerbelaud, Manuella; Crespin, Benoit; Videcoq, Arnaud; Giacomello, Alberto; Ferrando, Riccardo -
Frame-by-frame observations of structure fluctuations in single mass-selected Au clusters using aberration-corrected electron microscopy
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: Dearg, Malcolm; Roncaglia, Cesare; Nelli, Diana; El Koraychy, El Yakout; Ferrando, Riccardo; Slater, Thomas J. A.; Palmer, Richard E. -
Growth pathways of Cu shells on Au and AuCu seeds: interdiffusion, shape transformations, strained shells and patchy surfaces
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: El Koraychy, El Yakout; Ferrando, Riccardo -
Growth pathways of exotic Cu@Au core@shell structures: the key role of misfit strain
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: El Koraychy, El Yakout; Ferrando, Riccardo -
Growth mechanisms from tetrahedral seeds to multiply twinned Au nanoparticles revealed by atomistic simulations
Anno: 2022
Autore/i: El Koraychy, El Yakout; Roncaglia, Cesare; Nelli, Diana; Cerbelaud, Manuella; Ferrando, Riccardo