Maria Caterina Giordano

Fisica sperimentale della materia e applicazioni | PHYS-03/A
  • Membro della Giunta di dipartimento
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Maria Caterina Giordano


  • Membro della Giunta di dipartimento


Since 2018 M. C. Giordano is researcher at Physics Department of University of Genova, where she is in charge of the nanolithography activity (Nanofrazor Instrument) at DIFILab facility (Progetto di Eccellenza MIUR 2018-2022). She is author of more than 35 publication (> 400 citations, h-index=12 @Scopus), she was invited speaker at different international conferences. She is member of the Steering Committee of Plasmonica. She is an expert in nanofabrication (top-down and self-organized) and in advanced scanning probe microscopy techniques. She is interested in the investigation of the optoelectronic properties of nanomaterials (1D, 2D) for nanophotonics, plasmonics and sensing. From 2016 to 2018 she was researcher at Institute CNR- NANO  & Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa), where she investigated  novel near-field optical microscopy techniques at Terahertz frequencies (e.g. THz SNOM), and THz photonics in 1D and 2D nanomaterials. In 2015 she pursued a PhD in Nanotechnology with a thesis on the self-organized nanofabrication of large area templates for optoelectronics and plasmonics.


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Research activity

  • Scanning probe lithography (Nanofrazor Instrument) for plasmonics, nanomaterials, nanoelectronics.
  • Electron beam lithography (EBL) nanofabrication of high-efficiency plasmonic nanoantennas for biosensing, optical microscopy and nanofluidics.
  • EBL nanofabrication of 2D heterostructure nanodevices.
  • Study of the optoelectronic response of nanomaterials (1D, 2D) via Raman-, optical- spectroscopy, electrical transport measurements in view of applications in photonics, nano-optics, biosensing and nanoelectronics.
  • Self-organized nanofabrication of large-area plasmonic templates for biosening and flat-optics.  
  • Development of novel nanoantennas configuration for IR biosensing and nanoimaging,
  • Advanced scanning probe microscopies (Kelvin probe, ResiScope), and scanning electron microscopy for nanomaterials characterization.

Pubblicazioni IRIS

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Thesis proposals
