School of Medical Physics

The three-year specialization school in medical physics is the postgraduate course that allows physicists to get the mandatory qualification to access to management roles in the National Health System. A maximum of five students are enrolled each year through a competitive selection.  The school is based on specialist lectures and on an intense training in the hospitals that form the training network.

Profession medical physicist

The medical physical specialist works within the health physics services of public and private hospitals, collaborating with the medical staff in the activities of radiodiagnostic, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, development of innovative methodologies.

Other professional opportunities

The medical physics specialist can also practice the profession. He can access the examination for inclusion in the lists of Radioprotection Experts (from I to III degree) pursuant to Legislative Decree 101/20. He can access the role of Responsible Expert of Security in Magnetic Resonance in accordance with the D.M. 10.08.2018 and LASER Security Officer as indicated by Legislative Decree 81/08.


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