The Laboratory of Medical Physics and Statistics ( FISME ) of the Department of Physics consists of an interdisciplinary group of physicists, computer scientists and physicians with extensive experience in the development of algorithms for the analysis of medical images, particularly neuroimaging .
This unit collaborates with the medical-psychological research unit and the outpatient service for the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of the AO San Martino di Genova and part of the European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium and the Network of Excellence in Neuroimaging of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine .
The target of the research is to provide robust computational tools in the analysis of Magnetic Resonance Images and functional images of Positron Emission Tomography, more and more used and accessible to the public, improving the sensitivity and specifcità recognize neurodegenerative diseases.
These tools are applied to the analysis of early Alzheimer's disease by studying the particular brain structures involved in that disease: for example, the mesial temporal lobe and, in particular, the hippocampus.