Below are the teaching programs specifically proposed for PhD students.
Each course corresponds to 20 hours of teaching (3 credits).
Phd students can choose between these courses and other courses offered in the Master's Degree or in other Doctorates according to the rules set out in General Rules
Educational offer
Course programmes are provided in English
Advanced Computational Physics
(64.05 KB)
Advanced Crystallography: theory and experiments
(125.33 KB)
Applied cryogenics
(44.99 KB)
Atomic Force Spectroscopy
(201.05 KB)
(40.84 KB)
Conformal Field Theories
(31.06 KB)
Design of superconductor magnets
(74.23 KB)
Electronics and data acquisition
(44.98 KB)
Gravitational Waves
(157.9 KB)
Introduction to High-Energy Astrophysics
(51.81 KB)
(26.74 KB)
Nanophotonics & nanofabrication
(38.82 KB)
Neutrinos and Nuclear Astrophysics
(64.63 KB)
Optical Microscopy at the Nanoscale
(45.71 KB)
Quantum Optics
(65.81 KB)
Teorie di Gauge non Abeliane
(59.89 KB)
(63.53 KB)