DIFILAB is the new integrated research laboratory conceived and realized as part of the ministerial project "Departments of Excellence" 2018-22. The laboratory is set up at the Valletta Puggia Campus.

DIFILAB aims to gather and develop experimental, instrumental, and theoretical expertise on detectors with very high sensitivity and nanomaterials for biomedical applications. DIFILAB is the result of both the integration of existing instrumentation and expertise and the acquisition of new instrumentation and facilities made available to researchers from the Department of Physics (DIFI) and beyond. 
DIFILAB serves as an interface between DIFI, research entities (INFN, CNR-IMEM, CNR-SPIN, IIT), and the local community. It is open to the participation of researchers from other related departments who wish to share their important experimental skills and equipment. It is, therefore, a fertile ground for the emergence of new spin-offs and start-ups with immediate implications for technology transfer to the local community, particularly in the fields of new materials and biomedical applications.

For details on the organization of the laboratory, scientific activities, and instrumentation, please refer to the menu.