OptMatLab group featured in the J.A. Woollam 2022 Newsletter
The OptMatLab research group studies the properties of matter at the nanoscale by using various spectroscopic techniques. By employing light beams with suitable characteristics, it is possible to obtain detailed information about the microscopic behavior of matter and understand its optical, electronic, chemical and structural properties. The aim of our studies is to create and advance knowledge on innovative materials and devices of relevant scientific and technological interest.
We work on several projects encompassing a wide range of materials, devices and characterization techniques. Over the years, we have built a solid competence in the determination of the optical properties of thin films (oxides, metals, polymers, DNA), bi-dimensional materials (graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides...) and nanoparticles systems. We have a suitable array of instruments that allows us to study the evolution of the materials' properties by varying the ambient conditions, such as temperature and atmosphere. The results of our work are periodically published on international peer-review journals and presesented at seminars and conferences.
Selected publications
Dielectric Function of 2D Tungsten Disulfide in Homo- and Heterobilayer Stacking
(il paper è nel top 10% dei più letti sulla rivista a 12 mesi dalla pubblicazione)