Synergies across the spectrum for cosmology and astroparticle physics

INFN/DIFI Phenomenology Seminar

  • Dipartimento di Fisica - A603 | Zoom
  • Seminar


Dr. Stefano Camera
Dipartimento di Fisica Generale "A. Avogadro", Università degli Studi di Torino; INFN, Sezione di Torino


I shall review novel approaches that I have explored over the years to extract information optimally from varied observations across the electromagnetic spectrum.  The aims are varied as well, and in particular I shall discuss: optimising parameter constraints for the concordance cosmological model; testing the inflationary principle through measuring its non-Gaussian imprint on the cosmic large-scale structure; confirming the validity of general relativity on the largest cosmic scales; probing the particle nature of dark matter; and learning about the origin and composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays.

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Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271