Radiation and topology based quantum condensed matter devices. Get to know the (new) neighbors

  • Dipartimento di Fisica - Aula 500
  • Seminar


Dario Ferraro
Dipartimento di Fisica - UniGe
Niccolò Traverso Ziani
Dipartimento di Fisica - UniGe


Dario Ferraro: Quantum resources for energy storage
Recently there has been a great interest in the possibility to exploit quantum-mechanical effects to enhance the performance of energy storage devices. In this framework, we present a model of a Quantum Battery and a Quantum Supercapacitor based on matter-radiation interaction.

Niccolò Traverso Ziani: Interacting topological edge channels
We employ a topological quantum point contact to guide edge channels from opposite sides into a quasi-one-dimensional constriction. Apart from the expected quantization in integer steps of 2e2/h, we find a surprising additional plateau at e2/h. The result may have direct implications in topological quantum computation through Majorana- and para-fermions.