A global view on the Higgs self-coupling at future colliders

  • Dipartimento di Fisica - Aula 501
  • Seminar


Dr. Stefano Di Vita
INFN Milano


Seminario di Fenomenologia delle Particelle Elementari INFN

In the Standard Model the self-couplings of the Higgs boson can be uniquely determined if its mass and its vacuum expectation value are taken as input parameters. Deviations from the Standard Model predictions would clearly signal that new physics is at play.

In my talk I will discuss the prospects for the determination of the Higgs trilinear coupling at future colliders, using an effective field theory approach. I will argue that a global analysis of the Higgs interactions is necessary to derive robust results, and I will analyze the interplay between the direct constraints from double-Higgs production and the indirect bounds that can be obtained from single-Higgs processes. 

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