Simone Caletti
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Annual report (2 year PhD).pdf
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Research activity
I am a PhD student in theoretical physics in Genoa University and in general I am interested in several aspects of fundamental interactions. Especially in the quantum behavior of nature. At the moment I am working on phenomenological aspect of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), more precisely I am studying resummation techniques in the framework of hadronic jets. These calculations are useful to test Standard Model (SM) with LHC results in order to find new physics.
Research at DIFI
Lista completa pubblicazioni IRIS
Pubblicazioni IRIS
On heavy-flavour jets with Soft Drop
Anno: 2024
Autore/i: Caletti, Simone; Ghira, Andrea; Marzani, Simone -
Hadronic Jets: flavour and substructure
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: Caletti, Simone -
Quantum gradient evaluation through quantum non-demolition measurements
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: Solinas, Paolo; Caletti, Simone; Minuto, Giovanni -
Practical jet flavour through NNLO
Anno: 2022
Autore/i: Caletti, Simone; Larkoski, Andrew J.; Marzani, Simone; Reichelt, Daniel -
A fragmentation approach to jet flavor
Anno: 2022
Autore/i: Caletti, Simone; Larkoski, Andrew J.; Marzani, Simone; Reichelt, Daniel