Marco Battaglieri
Battaglieri, Marco is currently a Research Director at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Genova in Italy From 2019 to 2022 he covered the role of experimental Hall-B team leader at Jefferson Lab. He graduated and received his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Genova (Italy) in 1997. He has been the National co-spokesperson of the Italian collaboration at JLab (JLAB12) from 2012 until June 2018 and he is currently a member of the Executive Committee of EIC-Italy. Marco carried out his research in hadron physics, light dark matter search with the high-intensity electron beam, underwater neutrino observatories, nuclear power plant antineutrino detection, and high energy cosmic rays detection and as a member of several international collaborations (CLAS, EIC, GRAAL, HPS, BDX, EEE, NEMO, and ANTARES). He led the meson spectroscopy program in Hall-B, built the CLAS12 Forward Tagger, and coordinated the worldwide effort to build the necessary Partial Wave Analysis (PWA) tools for future experiments (HAdron SPectroscopy in EU STRONG-2020 program). He served as co-PI of the Streaming Read-Out EIC eRD23 Consortium and co-PI of the Italy/US program (INFN/MIT) on the same subject. He served at Genova University as visiting professor of Ph.D. and undergraduate NP lab classes, tutored undergraduate and Ph.D. students, and supervised international fellows and/or summer students visiting Genova and Jefferson Lab. He published as co-author more than 300 referred papers in top-cited international journals (Nature, Science, PRL, PL, PR, NP, EPJ). He serves as a referee of international journals, INFN experiments and Italian (MUR) and international (EU, FNRS-BE, STFC-UK, NSERC-CA, RFF-BE) funding agencies. He is also active in outreach activities to involve students (from primary to high school) in physics.
- Phones
+39 010 353 6736
Pubblicazioni IRIS
The ecological transition of the extreme energy events experiment
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: Abbrescia, M.; Avanzini, C.; Baldini, L.; Baldini Ferroli, R.; Batignani, G.; Battaglieri, M.; Boi, S.; Bossini, E.; Carnesecchi, F.; Cavazza, F.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Coccetti, F.; Coccia,... -
Measurement of the cosmic charged particle rate at sea level in the latitude range 35 degrees divided by 82 degrees N with the PolarquEEEst experiment
Anno: 2023
Autore/i: Abbrescia, M; Avanzini, C; Baldini, L; Ferroli, Rb; Batignani, G; Battaglieri, M; Boi, S; Bossini, E; Carnesecchi, F; Cavazza, D; Cicalo, C; Cifarelli, L; Coccetti, F; Coccia, E; Corvaglia, A; De... -
Looking for long-range correlations among the EEE telescopes
Anno: 2022
Autore/i: La Rocca, P.; Abbrescia, M.; Avanzini, C.; Baldini, L.; Baldini Ferroli, R.; Batignani, G.; Battaglieri, M.; Boi, S.; Bossini, E.; Carnesecchi, F.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Coccetti, F.; Coccia,... -
Observation of Rayleigh-Lamb waves generated by the 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic eruption with the POLA detectors at Ny-Ålesund
Anno: 2022
Autore/i: Abbrescia, M; Avanzini, C; Baldini, L; Ferroli, R Baldini; Batignani, G; Battaglieri, M; Boi, S; Bossini, E; Carnesecchi, F; Casula, M; Cavazza, D; Cicalò, C; Cifarelli, L; Coccetti, F; Coccia, E;... -
Reduction of Greenhouse Gases impact in the EEE Project
Anno: 2022
Autore/i: Ripoli, C.; Abbrescia, M.; Avanzini, C.; Baldini, L.; Ferroli, R. B.; Batignani, G.; Battaglieri, M.; Boi, S.; Bossini, E.; Carnesecchi, F.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Coccetti, F.; Coccia, E.;...
Thesis proposals
2022 - 2023